Uplift Games

Fan Art and Ideas Submission Policy


Uplift Games appreciates all the support by our fans in our games and our company, and believe it is a testament to the quality of our users that they want to create artwork and other creative projects based on our intellectual property. At the same time, Uplift Games has spent a lot of time, effort, and resources creating and exploiting our intellectual property and must take certain efforts to protect it.

Please read these Uplift Games Fan Art Submission Guidelines ("Guidelines") carefully because they affect your legal rights and obligations. Your submission of Fan Art (defined below) to Uplift Games/Adopt Me ("Uplift") means that you fully understand and accept these Guidelines and Adopt Me's Terms of Service, which are hereby incorporated into this policy, as a legally binding agreement governing your submission. We may revise these Guidelines by updating this posting from time to time. You should visit this page regularly to review the current Guidelines. Your continued submission of Fan Art will be deemed as your acceptance of any revisions.

DISCLAIMER. Uplift and its partners, affiliates, licensees, writers, and artists are constantly coming up with new adaptations and versions of Uplift's characters and related elements, so, if some day, you see something in an Uplift game or creative work that reminds you of something that you included in your Fan Art, please understand that such similarity, in all likelihood, is coincidental, and, in any case, Uplift and its affiliates are not agreeing to credit or pay you for the use of any element or ideas similar to those in your artwork submission.

Uplift IP. All title, ownership and intellectual property rights in and to the games produced by Uplift, including, but not limited to the interactive products developed as part of Uplift's Adopt Me are the sole property of Uplift. This may include any titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialog, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, structural or landscape designs, animations, sounds, musical compositions and recordings, audio-visual effects, storylines, character likenesses, methods of operation, moral rights, and any related documentation, all of which are owned or licensed by Uplift, and are protected by the copyright laws of the United States, international treaties and conventions, and other applicable laws.

Fan Art. You may create Fan Art based on Uplift IP as long as you comply with this Policy. For purposes of this policy, any drawings, illustrations, and/or graphic representations based on the Uplift IP or submitted to Uplift in conjunction with this policy shall be deemed Fan Art. In consideration of Uplift providing you the opportunity to participate in Fan Art submission, you hereby grant to Uplift a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty free, perpetual license to exploit, commercially or otherwise, the drawing/illustration based upon Uplift IP that you submit to Uplift's Fan Art submission program ("Licensed Materials") for its business purposes in all media now known or hereafter devised, in whole or in part, distorted in character or form, including but not limited to, the right to use the Licensed Materials on its websites, as well as for its internal, trade, and advertising purposes. THIS POLICY GRANTS NO LICENSE TO ANY PARTY, AND NOTHING IN THIS POLICY SHOULD BE CONSTRUED TO GRANT ANY FORM OF LICENSE TO THE UPLIFT IP.

Scope. This Policy applies only to Uplift IP that you access pursuant to Uplift's Terms of Service, end user license agreements, and/or other agreements you have with Uplift.

General Terms

  1. All Fan Art must be appropriate for the audience of the Uplift IP and consistent with the spirit and tone of the Uplift IP (as determined by Uplift). Fan Art must comply with applicable law, may not violate the rights of others, and must not be obscene, sexually explicit, defamatory, offensive, objectionable, or harmful to others.

  2. Fan Art must have no commercial (i.e., monetary) objective.

  3. Uplift, in its sole discretion, can revoke your permission to create Fan Art at any time and for any reason.

  4. You may not say nor imply that your Fan Art is endorsed or approved by Uplift.

  5. Your Fan Art may not include links to any website that promotes or exploits cheats or hacks to Uplift's games or any other games, or any other offers for otherwise prohibited conduct per the Adopt Me Terms of Service (e.g., the selling of in-game assets).

  6. You may not create or use any Fan Art in a manner that could cause people to believe that it is an official Uplift production.

  7. You may not use any Uplift IP in any manner that is derogatory to Uplift or that may damage the value, reputation, or goodwill of Uplift or its products or brands (as determined by Uplift).

  8. You must display the following disclaimer on or in connection with your Fan Art, including on any web page containing your Fan Art:

Portions of the materials used are copyrighted works of Uplift Games LLC. All rights reserved by Uplift Games LLC. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Uplift Games LLC.

  1. You may not use the Uplift trademarks in any form or fashion in connection with any Fan Art at any time. For clarity, this includes but is not limited to the use of the phrase "Adopt Me!" in any form. Any and all rights in the ownership and use of the Uplift trademarks are expressly reserved.


Uplift Games ("Uplift") is constantly developing new creative products and services. Because of this, sometimes Uplift develops something that you might believe appears similar to something you independently created. In order to avoid any potential disputes or misunderstandings, Uplift and its employees do not accept unsolicited creative works or ideas at any time. Should any concept or creative work utilized by Uplift appear to you to be subjectively similar to a concept or idea, it is only by mere coincidence and, in any case, Uplift and its affiliates are not agreeing to credit or pay you for the use of any element or ideas similar to those in your concept or idea.

Therefore, do not submit any unsolicited creative works or ideas, including, but not limited to, games, films, television shows, videos, audio recordings, music, scores, images, drawings, artwork, sketches, written materials, novels, stories, scripts, storyboards, treatments, comics, plotlines, dialogue, characters, settings, scenes, textures, designs, code, inventions, concepts, plans, marketing concepts, or any other works, ideas, or intellectual property to Uplift to be used in connection with any advertising campaigns, new promotions, new or improved products or technologies, product enhancements, processes, materials, marketing plans or new product names.

We love that you're just as passionate about games as we are, and we know how much time and effort goes into game and product ideas and submissions. We receive thousands each year, and unfortunately due to the volume of these unsolicited submissions and ideas, we simply can't review or consider them. In fact, because we can't consider them, we can't even keep them – we have to delete all unsolicited submission materials that we receive.

Our Privacy Policy has been updated.

By continuing to the website you agree with the updated Privacy Policy which is available here.